Join the Xero Education Team and Xero Partner, Jay Kimelman of The Digital CPA, as we take an in-depth look at Xero Partner Edition and our tax program export functionality. Extend those efficiency gains from Xero to your tax workflow. You’ll learn how to quickly set up and collaborate with clients, assign them to staff, organize your practice, billing and much more.
Sandra, VA
"Excited to see a program that can compete with QB desktop but be online and user friendly"Arlene, GA
"Great topic and information, Thanks!"
The Digital CPA
Founder and Chief Accounting Officer
Jay is the Founder and Chief Accounting Officer of The Digital CPA and has been a CFO, a CIO, and a business owner of his manufacturing firm. To survive and thrive, businesses must master the back office, and Jay believes Xero is the vehicle to make that happen. Every day, Jay is instrumental in adding value and simplicity to the lives of business owners through streamlining processes, illuminating cash flow, and integrating their technology to prevent unnecessary data entry and busywork. Jay's passion going forward is to help other CPA firms utilize Xero technology to help themselves and their clients do beautiful business!